Shiny Happy People-R.E.M Shiny happy people laughing Meet me in the crowd People people Throw your love around Love me love me Take it into town Happy happy Put it in the ground Where the flowers grow Gold and silver shine
Shiny happy people holding hands Shiny happy people laughing
Everyone around love them, love them Put it in your hands Take it take it There's no time to cry Happy happy Put it in your heart Where tomorrow shines Gold and silver shine
Shiny happy people holding hands Shiny happy people laughing
aleeya bergaya dengan pakaian untuk pertandingan bercerita dalam bahasa inggeris. pertandingan antara tadika peringkat daerah lipis diadakan di sktempoyang pagi tadi.
" Ya Allah berkatilah hasil yang Engkau kurniakan kepada kami, berkatilah kota kami. Berkatilah timbangan makanan kami dan apa yang Engkau rezekikan kepada kami "